Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is fun!

Look at me! I am blogging! Actually, I have wanted to do this for a long time, and since reading some of the other blogs on here, I decided to finally do it. I am not sure who is going to actually read this, but it will be nice to sit and write…and probably make people laugh…or shake their heads. I’m not sure which.
Things are actually going pretty well here in Bruckner World. We are really busy these days.
J is in 5th grade and right now is in his 3rd year of playing Pee-Wee basketball. Wow! There has been a lot of improvement this year. It’s really neat to see how the boys really are “getting” it now. I no longer think “OMG..he’s got the ball” and close my eyes when ever he gets passed the ball! ;-) It’s always been fun to watch, but it’s really exciting to see how far these boys have come since starting out. He’s really big into his rabbit project. He had his very first “planned” litter born to his Californian rabbit on Monday night. She had 5 fat, bald, squirmy, little babies. He was so excited that he forgot to study for his social studies test. Let’s just say THAT didn’t work out so well for him. Lessons learned, right? Anyway, his goal for the rabbits is to work on improving his line and start showing a bit. He’s got a couple of them sold already to someone who wants them for manure. He’s quite the little businessman.
T is in the 3rd grade and is doing well. He is our comedian, drama boy and our junk food processor. Has everyone seen the episode of Drake and Josh where Drake stops eating junk food and his body goes through detox?? Yeah, that’s T. He better hope the Bruckner metabolism continues to follow him through life! This year I have really started to see a love for books. T loves to read and they seem to really suck him in. He’s also become very musical. I love to listen to him play on his keyboard. He practices over and over and over till he can play songs he knows. I asked him if he would like to take piano lessons, but he doesn’t seem interested at the moment. Playing by ear is working for him I guess.
Danny’s doing well. He is working at a wood shop here in town. Anytime Dan is playing with wood or power tools he is happy. He’s incredibly talented, and I always love to see what he’s been up too down at the shop. Danny has also gotten really into rabbits. But he couldn’t get your typical floppy eared cute little bunnies. He has to get manly King Kong type rabbits. The breed he chose to breed and show weigh…get this….20lbs! Think small dog. I don’t think we will have to worry about the neighbors cats doing anything to these things. Anyway, he goes to Hays Sunday to bring home his very first pair. He’s also been busy planning out our garden… and the assault our lawn. He’s talked about tilling it up for many years, but I have been able to talk him out of it. I think this is the year though. I dread having to look at dirt clogs and thinking about the mud when it rains about makes me want to scream. I like grass. Grass is good. Even it is splotchy and worn from bikes and football games. Oh well.
I just had my 6th year anniversary of doing childcare. I still love it as much as I did when I first started. It’s been very bittersweet to see some of these kids I’ve had since they were little ones go off to kindergarten.
I am itching for spring to get here so I can get to work in my flower beds. Danny can till up the grass but his STRICT INSTUCTIONS not to touch my beds! =-)


Anonymous said...

You've got a lot on your plate, girl! Good blog - very informative. Keep me posted if/when you write more! Tell Danny I wished him luck with the rabbits - and BTW... other than Tater my dogs are only 10 pounds! *L* Tater is probably 30!!!