Friday, December 21, 2012

Just About Ready

MOST of the gifts are bought. MOST are wrapped and put under the tree.

I usually send out a massive amounts of Christmas cards. I got my family ones sent out, and decided this morning I am not going to worry about the other ones. Missing one year doesn't make a Christmas failure, right?

The USP truck has dropped off everything it was suppose to. Danny and I will be making one quick trip out of town to get the last few things we need. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?

Its strange. I HAVE the Christmas spirit, just not the ambition to do the things I always FEEL like I NEED to do. I can't decide if this is GOOD? Or BAD?

I do have a few gifts I can't WAIT to tell you about! ;)


Melanie said...

Hopefully by now, you have the rest of the gifts bought and wrapped! Merry Christmas!