Tristen has added TORTS to his Dutch varieties!
He had been hinting around here and there about them, and we finally asked fellow bunny exhibitor, Briony, if she had any.
Briony didn't have any for sale, but she WAS going to Indianapolis for ARBA Nationals, and said she'd be happy to bring him back a pair if we wanted. We have never purchased anything from nationals and the thought was very exciting. It's a chance to purchase rabbits from breeders from all over the country, and from the "big" names you only see way back on pedigrees or through national club newsletters.
She came home with Snickers, who came from Ohio, I believe. She has been bred and HOPEFULLY will have a litter the first week of December
And Rusty, who came from Michigan, who is with Tristen in the above picture. He's a very cute little Jr Buck.
So far he's had great luck with them! The little tort buck won Best of Breed at BOTH shows in Kinsley last weekend, and also won Best Opposite Sex at the Sunflower show we were at this past weekend in Wichita.
I will say that I am totally, head over heels, obber, doober in love with the personality of the Dutch breed and they make a WONDERFUL breed for kids. There is a HUGE difference from any other breed we have ever have. The Dutch we have in our barn DEMAND attention, love their human, and get a bit urked when you don't stop and admire them. They are almost annoying when you water them as they stick their heads out the cage door and just refuse to move until they have had their fill of nose rubs.
And as of this weekend, all Dutch does..and many Havana does...have been bred. Breeding this time of year can be pretty hit and miss, but we are crossing our fingers some babies land in the nest boxes in a month!
I hope the weather is nice and the litter does well!! Pretty little guy for sure!
Ahhhh They are cute!!! Congrats to Tristen!
That's nice for Tristen! Gorgeous bunnies. Best wishes with any new ones being born! I like that name, "Snickers." :)
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