Monday, February 17, 2014

Family Update Feb 2014

I realize this morning I haven't updated about our family for a long time.


Jacob: Continues to have a lot on his plate with school, work, 4-H animals, FFA, and youth group. He will be participating in a 30 hour famine this weekend to raise awareness of child hunger. Spent most of the winter trapping, and was all geared up to head to the fur buyer this weekend, when he had a very disappointing conversation with our local game warden about the price of furs this season. I'm not sure if he will hang on to them until next year, or send them someplace out of our area. Getting ready for golf season. Talk of attending prom this year! Makes his mom smile every single day.


Tristen: Ready to graduate this May and head to high school. (EEK!) We are in full party planning mode. Has decided it was time to grow suddenly, and has shot up 2 inches since school started. Was the Jr High basketball boys manager this year. Spends HOURS shooting baskets in the backyard and has become a pretty mean trick shot shooter. Looking forward to track season.  Makes his mom smile every single day.


Danny: Will be sending off our pigs next week. Keeps himself more than busy with extension council and fair board, work, and side projects, honey do's, and livestock, and wouldn't change any of it...well, probably not MOST of it, anyway! ;)  His wife will forever be grateful for the role he has stepped into since December 3rd, and the slack that he has picked up without question.  Makes his wife smile every single day.


And me: Ready for spring.  Been spending a lot of time painting at a local art studio..


Missing my Dad more and more each day. Constantly amazed at my family. Have been dealing with some health issues. After many tests, they DID find the reason for my pain I have been experiencing.  They also found, during one of the tests, that my kidneys and ureters are not very happy, and will not fix the initial problem until my kidney issues are addressed.  I feel like I am chasing my own tail. It looks like check up appointments with urologists will now be part of my life. Ready for weather to warm up and STAY, so I can get back to walking.

Thanks for checking in on us!! =)


Melanie said...

sounds like you aren't letting any grass grow under your feet!! Spring makes everything look better. .your health and your mood!! Hang in there!