Tuesday, June 4, 2013

12 Weeks. I DID IT!!

I started this challenge 12 weeks ago. And I did it!! I survived!  I've learned so much about myself over these weeks.
I also wish I had taken before and after pictures. Maybe I still can..stay tuned! 

Pounds lost: 33

I am very pleased with my progress. And I can honestly say this is the very first time I have ever lost weight in a healthy way.  I've also discovered I CAN still eat foods I love, including a Red Velvet cupcake from a local restaurant on Fridays. =) Moderation!!!

I have had my rough days, but learned quickly a bad day doesn't mean your journey is over or that you have failed.  Its like taking the wrong street--you can always turn around and go back the other way.

I will say, and wish I could tell EVERYONE---getting off soda has totally changed my life. I am afraid those around me are getting a bit sick of hearing about it. =P

I have loved  my re-discovering of my love of walking. Since the boys have been out of school, I am getting up at the same time, and walking just as the sun is peeking up. I do a 1.5 in the morning most days, and then in the evenings have been walking 2.6 miles with my friend, Amy, who is on her own weight loss journey. I DO love walking with Danny, but there is also something about walking with a girlfriend that is just awesome and I look forward to each night.  

I still have much I'd like to lose. I still plan on writing about my journey once a month or so.  Thank you to each of you for your support and words.

My story isn't over yet!  =)


Melanie said...

I have people who have been on weight loss medicine who haven't lost THAT much weight in SIX months!!! I think I'll start making them read your blog!!! Changing HABITS are what makes it happen!!! Good for you. .keep up the GREAT work!!! And never forget. .It's for a LIFETIME!! I just told a young lady this morning. .that it will NEVER be easier to lose weight than it is TODAY!! Each year that we mature. .it gets harder and harder to LOSE. .but MAINTAINING is so much easier. .especially if your attitude is right. .and it seems like yours is!! Walk ON!

Rhonda said...

Becky, that's awesome! I'm so glad for you!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

So good to hear of your progress. Sounds like you've really clicked on the walking part.
Do you have a favorite drink since you've dropped the soda?

Sara said...

COngrats Becky! I often wish I had a companion to walk with...it seems to make it that much more enjoyable! But, Jeremy doesn't see the need and I don't have any close neighbors :(

You have done an amazing job and maybe one of these days I will get it through my thick skull to finally give up the soda :)