Monday, February 7, 2011

It's OVER!!

HOORAY!! Super Bowl is HISTORY!  I survived another football season!! This means plans at my house no longer depend on who's playing at what time! 
My men really enjoyed the game. And they enjoy planning their buffet as much as the game itself. This year Jacob made pizza bites that he made a recent 4-H foods meeting. (Thanks Melanie!)  He's becoming quite the cook and they were very tasty!

Jacob's basketball season is officially over and will be on to track soon.  Tristen just started his pee-wee basketball season.  He's got 4 more weeks of games. He's really come out of his shell from playing last year and become more aggressive on the court, even fouling once in the game. Whoops. ;)

Wednesday found us with some excitement here during daycare.  We had just sat down to eat our afternoon snack when I heard one of the kids say: Eww...I smell a skunk.  Oh my stars did we smell skunk. I have one daycare boy with a very sensitive stomach and gag reflux and he immediately started gagging.  Anyway, long story short, Smokey got sprayed, skunk ran off while Smokey was rubbing his nose in the snow and the dumb dog  recovered enough to go and GET the skunk. Not only was I sure our house would never smell good again, we were also worried about our dog. Smokey had gotten bit and scratched on his nose. =(  Danny took him over to the vet, windows down the entire way, for a booster on his rabies shot and to have his nose cleaned. They also took pity on us and gave him a bath while he was over there.
After 24 hours the house smelled better, but it still creeps up sometimes in the weirdest of places, such as the can of coffee.  Skunk smell is awful anyway, but when sprayed close, it reaches an entire new level of stinky. 

Suppose to have more winter weather starting tonight.  Ugh.  How many days until spring????


Melanie said...

41 days till spring. .I read it at the top of your blog :-) I LOVE the picture of your guys fixing their own party snacks!! Glad you enjoyed them!! I just smiled when Cami reminded me this weekend about Smoky getting sprayed :-)

Sara said...

I can't believe that Cambree hasn't talked more about the skunk! Our weimer had the same sort of thing happen a couple of summers ago...right by the back door in the middle of the night. It's a long story, but it ends with Jeremy beating it with an aluminum baseball bat in his underwear!

Tonia said...

FORTY-ONE DAYS!!! till spring...
We had 7 skunks decide to nest under our house one February... Apparently February is mating season for them. It was horrible!! At the same time we were all dealing with the actual flu. Not a 24 or even 3 days bug but 10-14days of misery plus 10-14 days recovery.. 5 people.... That february is for imprinted on our memory!!